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The Card Is Going To Change


Dec 25, 2017

Happy Holidays to all of our listeners!

This week we bring to you a special Holiday episode as we review some of the highlights of 2017 and make a big announcement concerning AIW entering a new market in 2018!

Dec 18, 2017

This week we sit down and we break down everything that happened at our Hell On Earth 13 event including some last minute changes to the card and what caused them.

1. Matthew Justice vs. Shawn Shultz
2. Magnum CK vs. PB Smooth
3. Dominic Garrini vs. Ethan Page
4. Dick Justice, Philly Marino Experience & Weird...

Dec 11, 2017

This week we ambush Dominick Garrini and Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham and host an on air intervention for them to talk out their love hate relationship that happens behind the scenes.

Dec 4, 2017

This week John answers questions that were mistakenly submitted for him last week instead of The Duke.


This week we discuss,

-Ultramantis Black's time in AIW

-Where is Steve Pain

-Who John would like to wrestle

-And Much More

Nov 27, 2017

Buckle up ladies and gentlemen because this is the one you have been waiting for as this week we sit down with The Duke for a very special #AMA episode as we read your questions and The Duke is forced to answer them all!