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The Card Is Going To Change


Jul 25, 2016

Tales of Booking the Territory Guys

Terry Funk. Colonel Robert Parker. Bunkhouse Buck.

We all know how it was back in the territory days. But how is it booking the territory guys?

No cellphones, no social media, no email. Sometimes it's hard to book some of the old-school favorites. AIW co-owners John Thorne and Chandler Biggins join Glenn Moore to talk about booking some of the territory guys, and partaking in some alcoholic beverages with them after the show.

Yes, there is a Funk drinking story. Or two.

Particle Don
eight and a half years ago

I like how you guys book unusual names! Thanks for your efforts. I'm glad AIW is in Cleveland.

eight and a half years ago

I loved this episode alot and when terry funk was there he was so loving loved my friend mary and me smiled to alot said one day hed come back to cleveland Ohio one day to my friend