This week we break down AIW's Wrestlemania weekend event
"Slumber Party Massacre" and we even talk a little bit of the Phil
Baroni nonsense that went on throughout the weekend.
1. Mexican Death: La Familia de Tijuana vs. Young Studs
2. Summit Or Surrender: Dominic Garrini vs. Joshua
3. AIW Tag Team Championship: Jollyville Fuck-Its vs. Philly
Marino Experience vs. The Production vs. To Inifinity and
4. Eddie Kingston vs. Shinjiro Otani
5. Scott Steiner vs. Swoggle
6. Colt Cabana & Space Monkey vs. Ethan Page vs. Maxwell Jacob
7. Mance Warner vs. Nick Gage
8. AIW Absolute Championship: Matthew Justice vs. PB Smooth(c)
vs. Tim Donst vs. Tom Lawlor
About the Podcast
An unprecedented honest look inside the world of independent professional wrestling as the promoters of Absolute Intense Wrestling join Steve Guy to discuss the trials and tribulations of operating an independent professional wrestling company in the modern era.